What all to consider while reviewing the code?

Harshit Sharma
2 min readAug 19, 2022

There are various static code analysis tools available which help in improving the code quality and enforcing certain rules. There is still a need to have manual code reviews by your peers to learn and improve coding practices.

I try to check the following points while reviewing the code from my peers:

Modularity & reusability

  • Is the code being repeated in multiple places? If yes, then could it be converted into a method.
  • Is the method too long to understand & maintain? If yes, then looking for the possibility to break it down to multiple methods.
  • Can some specific methods be moved out to helper classes, which decrease the source code in a single file and increase the reusability.


  • Standard naming conventions are followed for file names, method names and variables.
  • Ubiquitous language is used while naming the classes & operations instead of making it very technical.
  • Comments & java docs are included.
  • Formatting, indentation & spacing is appropriate.
  • Code is not unnecessarily complex to understand, e.g.
  • Use switch-case instead of nested if statements
  • Conditions are not too large to understand


  • Any sensitive PII attributes are not getting logged in plain text
  • Not too much logs
  • Selection of appropriate log levels
  • Enough information is getting logged to debug any issue later on

Code coverage

  • Enough automation test to cover the new code and its impact on the existing code
  • Choice of the test — Unit test or Integration tests
  • Functional scenarios are covered using the tests
  • Tests are present for negative scenario e.g. Null or empty inputs, wrong configuration etc.

Error handling & retries

  • Custom exception wherever applicable
  • Exponential backoff retires (again wherever applicable)
  • Escalating errors to different “modules/part of code” if applicable
  • Catching exception and logging when the process need not be failed in case of exception

Input checks

  • Sanitizing the input
  • Data validation e.g. data type, format etc.
  • Null checks
  • No assumption on input validation in some other part of the code

Resources leak prevention

  • Closing or stopping the resources (e.g. files, connections etc.) in both success and failure scenarios

Performance & data structure

  • Usage of appropriate collections
  • Possibility of concurrent processing
  • Filter before processing to not waste the CPU cycles on processing unnecessarily

